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Home Remedies For Stomach Pain

A punch to the gut. That pretty much summarizes how stomach pain feels, yet with a variety of causes, from indigestion and stomach pain to ulcers and food allergies, it can be difficult to pinpoint the origin of your grief.
That’s the bad news. The better news is that we all get a little stomach pain every now and then. In most cases, the cause is not serious and a quick antacid or, better yet, one of the home remedies for stomach pain that we’ll discuss in this article, and you’re in good form to reduce that tummy trouble and go about your day in much better shape.

Warning: Read This First

On some occasions, stomach pain is caused by something more serious. Home remedies for stomach pain work for sporadic troubles, but you should speak with your doctor if your symptoms come with:
vomiting for several days
inability to defecate, especially while vomiting
painful or frequent urination
pain when touching your abdomen
pain from an injury to the abdomen
pain lasting for several days
As well, you should get medical help immediately if you:
vomit blood
have bloody stools
are having trouble breathing
have pain during pregnancy

Try These Natural Remedies For Stomach Pain

Is it just a temporary pain? You can probably take an antacid, but you’re here on Natural Health Source because you’re into natural health. Ongoing use isn’t recommended for antacids anyway because they can disrupt your natural balance of microflora in the gut and contribute to fractures and diarrhea from C diff.
With that in mind, you’ll probably find all you need to make your tummy better within your kitchen. These natural remedies for stomach pain work for plenty of people, and with time and a little experimenting, you might find they work for you too.
Carrot/Mint Juice – Ideal for winter flu. Boil four sliced carrots in four cups of water and add a teaspoon (or tea bag) of dried peppermint. Heat this on medium-low for about 15 minutes or until the carrots are soft. Remove the tea bag if you used one and blend the mixture until it’s smooth. Add ginger if you like for further natural relief or a lemon squeeze for flavor.
Rice Tea – Is diarrhea an issue? Boil half a cup of rice in six cups of water for about five minutes. Strain out the rice and flavor the water with honey or sugar. Drink warm.
Burnt Toast – Hey, remedies for stomach pain aren’t always orthodox. For proof of that, look no further than burnt toast, of which the char aborbs the toxins causing your inner turbulence. Layer with jelly to help it go down.
Apple Cider Vinegar – Mix one teaspoon apple cider vinegar with a cup of warm water and a tablespoon of honey. This is a good remedy for stomach pain, gas and heartburn too.
CRAP – The CRAP diet – that’s cherries, raisins, apricots and prunes can do wonders for a stomach that won’t sit because it’s so high in fiber.
Yogurt – Dairy and bacteria. What do they have in common when you have a stomach ache? Relief, assuming you get them from yogurt with “live active cultures” on the label and of the plain, non-fat variety. The probiotics in yogurt help establish balance in your gut and assist your immune system as well.
Caraway Seeds – Loaded with vitamins and minerals, caraway seeds inhibit the harmful bacteria that cause many a digestion problem. Nibble on them before or after a meal.
Fennel – You can make fennel tea, chew on fennel seeds or just eat it raw. Make sure that you consume fennel in some form though, if you have a stomach ache, because it’s proven to reduce cramping, nausea, gas and other digestion problems.
Cinammon – Make cinammon tea with ¼ to ½ a cup cinammon powder and a cup of hot water. Let it stand for five minutes, then take a sip and enjoy this aromatic spice that’s poetry for your digestive tract.
Ginger Tea – One of the best-known herbal remedies for stomach pain, ginger helps food move through the GI system and allows your body to absorb the nutrients in your diet. Try ginger tea, with half a teaspoon of ground ginger to a cup of hot water. Let it sit, strain, and (optionally) add a little honey. Do this and you’ll actually look forward to stomach pain!
Mint – We’re breaking out the all-star herbals here, with spearmint and peppermint. Both help foods move through the intestines and can ease stomach cramps and they’re super-easy to make as tea. Just put a teaspoon of either mint in dried form in a cup and add boiling water. Cover the cup and let it stand for 10 minutes. Then strain it and enjoy up to three cups of this magical remedy on an empty stomach each day.
Thyme Cocktail – Let’s get herbal for a moment, using a thyme cocktail that can reduce stomach cramping and ease gas pressure. Place a teaspoon of dried thyme leaves in a cup and add boiling water. Cover it, let it stand for 10 minutes and enjoy a cocktail of herbal goodness and, more importantly, nartural relief from stomach pain.
Baking Soda – Assuming you follow the antacid instructions on the package, baking soda makes an excellent antacid. Mix half a cup of the stuff with half a cup of water and you’re good to go. Note however that baking soda is a sodium compound, so skip this remedy if you have high blood pressure or you’re on a sodium-restricted diet.
Hot Water – Heat some water on the stove and place it in a hot water bottle. Rest the bottle on your stomach after you eat to increase circulation in your abdomen.

What to Do When You Get a Stomach Ache

Do you feel it coming on? Stop what you’re doing and take care of yourself with the following steps:
Stop Eating For a Few Hours – Lie down on your bed or couch and elevate your feet with a pillow. Then close your eyes and relax.
Ease Your Way Into Clear Liquids – Put a few ice cubes in your mouth or drink small drops of water. Does this help? Have a little more. If it makes things worse, try one of the remedies discussed above.
Take an Antacid – A Tums or Milk of Magnesia might reduce short-term symptoms.
Get Some Rest – If possible, take some time out and grab a siesta. It’s even more important to rest if you’ve been vomitting or afflicted with diarrhea.

How to Prevent Future Stomach Trouble

Lifestyle plays a huge role in the state of your stomach, with roughly 90% of your serontonin receptors in the gut. Prominent doctor Steven Lamm of The View even goes so far as to call it your “surrogate brain” – making it all the more important to treat it right, with strategies including:
Manage Stress – Stretching, medidation and breathing exercises are among the many ways to reduce stress and the stomach pain that often follows. In one study, researchers found that IBS patients reduced their symptoms by 26% with a relaxation technique called mindful meditation.
Watch Your Eating Patterns – Eating small meals more frequently is preferable to three pig-outs a day. Keep a diary and note the foods that trigger your symptoms. Eliminate one food at a time to see if that makes a difference, and note that spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol and carbonated beverages are among the worst offenders for causing stomach pain.
Aim For a Body Mass Index (BMI) Between 20 and 23 – A tough sell, but worth the effort. Extra weight pushes your midsection upward and stomach acid up and into your esophagus. You can lose weight with regular exercise, healthy cooking and smaller portion sizes.

Don’t Forget Your Colon

An often overlooked factor for many patients who live with regular stomach pain, your colon is the last stop in your digestive system. It assists with water and salt extraction and bacteria fermentation before solid waste exits the body.
You’ve probably heard about colon cleansing before. The practice refers to removing feces and toxins from the GI tract through different methods, including colon irrigation and oral cleansing methods. The benefits of colon cleansing? More energy, better skin fewer digestion problems and weight management, among others. Yet a natural colon cleanse is also designed to reduce inflammation of the GI tract – a good thing when you consider the latter increases risk of digestion problems, including stomach pain, Crohn’s disease and more.
Some critics take issue with colon cleansing and cite the practice as being unsafe. And they’re right – sometimes – because fast 24 hour blitzes on your GI tract can disrupt your balance of microflora, strain your body and make inflammation worse. But a natural colon cleanse, performed over 7 to 10 days and one specifically designed to reduce inflammation of the GI tract with vitamins and minerals may be exactly what you’re looking for. And if it comes with a probiotic supplement, even better.
Remember that digestive health is an ongoing journey. There are no quick fixes here. Natural remedies can help short-term stomach pain, but folks with an eye on their long-term health should watch their eating patterns too. Weight management is also important, and for that, a natural colon cleanse might also help, with Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse being a favorite pick for many consumers.

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